Wednesday, June 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Halle Tropisme, Montpellier

Rendezvous on Wednesday June 19 at the Tropisme hall in Montpellier for an Agora Civis Maritimus combining photo performances and music between land and sea.

Civis Maritimus Agoras are public meetings designed and presented as part of the Civis Maritimus program. They engage spectators in an interactive, embodied and lively relationship with artists on subjects linking human beings and the marine world.

Photographers Manon Lanjouère, Marine Lanier, Romain Laurendeau and musician Laurent Marion will talk about the intimate link between humans and the marine world through their work. Vincent Marcilhacy, co-founder of The Eyes and Eyes Wide Open, will present a photographic primer on the sea.

With the complicity of the major national commission “Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire”, financed by the French Ministry of Culture and piloted by the BnF.

image © Anaëlle Cathala & Laurent Marion – Deer / From the shore
image © Manier Lanier “Hannibal’s garden

These photographs were produced as part of the major national commission “Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire”, financed by the French Ministry of Culture and managed by BnF.